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Chinese Court Practices on Attorneys’ Fees under CISG: What Foreign Businesses Need to Know

Chinese Court Practices on Attorneys’ Fees under CISG: What Foreign Businesses Need to Know For foreign businesses engaged in international trade with Chinese partners, understanding the intricacies of legal fee recovery in disputes can be crucial. One area of particular interest is the treatment of attorneys’ fees under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for […]

The Critical Role of Legal Representatives in China: What Foreign Businesses Need to Know

The Critical Role of Legal Representatives in China: What Foreign Businesses Need to Know For foreign businesses operating in China, understanding the role and responsibilities of a legal representative is crucial. This pivotal position, unique to the Chinese business landscape, carries significant weight in terms of both authority and liability. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll […]

How to Protect Your Business From Trademark Squatters in China

How to Protect Your Business From Trademark Squatters in China

How to Protect Your Business From Trademark Squatters in China Introduction Trademark squatting is a persistent problem for international businesses entering or operating in the Chinese market. Despite improvements in China’s legal framework, the system can still be gamed by squatters who profit from the ‘first to file’ method. This contrasts sharply with the ‘first […]