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5 Major China Business Scams and How to Avoid Them: Essential Guidance for Foreign Companies

5 Major China Business Scams and How to Avoid Them

In recent years, we at have observed a worrying increase in foreign companies falling victim to sophisticated business scams in China. As the world’s second-largest economy continues to attract international investors, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential pitfalls that can ensnare unsuspecting businesses. In this post, we’ll explore five of the most common scams targeting foreign companies in China and provide actionable advice on how to protect your interests.

1. The China Bank Account Switching Scam

This insidious scam involves fraudsters intercepting communications between buyers and sellers, altering payment instructions to divert funds to their own accounts. The unsuspecting buyer sends money to the wrong account, leaving the legitimate supplier unpaid and the buyer out of pocket.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Establish direct communication channels with your supplier’s key personnel.
  • Obtain and verify bank account information in advance.
  • Implement a secure procedure for confirming any changes to payment details.
  • Consider making payments to mainland China bank accounts rather than overseas accounts.
  • Check your bank account regularly to catch any unauthorized transactions early.

2. The Fake China Joint Venture Scam

In this elaborate scheme, a Chinese company convinces a foreign partner to contribute assets or capital to a supposed joint venture. However, the joint venture is never actually formed, leaving the foreign company with no legal claim to the contributed assets.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Always involve legal experts specializing in Chinese joint ventures before contributing any assets or capital.
  • Insist on proper documentation and verification at every stage of the joint venture formation process.
  • Regularly monitor the status and operations of the joint venture to ensure everything is proceeding as agreed.

3. The China Stock Option Scam

This scheme involves Chinese companies offering stock ownership or options as payment, often to foreign individuals or entities. The catch? Foreigners are legally prohibited from owning stock in Chinese domestic companies not listed on a stock market.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Be extremely cautious of any offers involving stock options or ownership in Chinese companies.
  • Seek legal advice from experts in Chinese business law before agreeing to any such arrangements.
  • Remember that if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

4. The China Quality Fade Scam

This scam involves a gradual and often imperceptible decline in the quality of products manufactured in China. Initially, a supplier delivers high-quality goods, but over time, they begin to cut corners, using cheaper materials or less stringent production processes to increase their profit margins.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Implement regular quality control checks throughout your production runs.
  • Consider hiring a third-party inspection service to conduct random checks.
  • Maintain clear communication with your supplier about quality expectations.
  • Include quality standards and penalties for non-compliance in your contracts.

5. The China Junk Product Scam

This scam involves Chinese manufacturers delivering subpar or unusable products after sending high-quality samples. A typical scenario involves a foreign company placing a large order based on satisfactory samples, only to receive products that are entirely different or defective.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Conduct thorough due diligence on potential suppliers before sending money.
  • Negotiate payment terms to minimize upfront costs.
  • Use contracts specifically tailored for China that clearly outline product specifications and consequences for non-compliance.
  • Be wary of prices that seem too good to be true.
  • Register your trademarks in China before manufacturing to prevent intellectual property theft.


At, we’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact these scams can have on foreign businesses. While the potential for profit in the Chinese market remains high, so too are the risks for the unprepared. By staying informed and taking proactive measures, you can significantly reduce your exposure to these common scams.

Remember, the key to successful business operations in China lies in thorough due diligence, clear contractual agreements, and ongoing vigilance. If you’re considering entering the Chinese market or are already operating there, don’t hesitate to seek expert legal advice. At, we specialize in helping foreign companies navigate the complex legal and business landscape of China, ensuring that your interests are protected every step of the way.

Don’t let the fear of scams deter you from the opportunities China presents. With the right knowledge and support, you can confidently pursue your business goals while minimizing risks. Contact today to learn how we can help safeguard your investments and operations in China.