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Navigating China’s Corporate Tax Incentives: A Comprehensive Guide for Foreign Investors

Navigating China’s Corporate Tax Incentives: A Comprehensive Guide for Foreign Investors

Taxpayer businesses operating in China are subject to corporate tax on their income from China and outside of China. This applies to both domestic and foreign companies. The Chinese corporate income tax includes tax incentive policies that make it attractive to invest in certain industrial sectors. Government incentives, which focus partly on geographic regions, prioritize particularly technology-focused projects.

Domestic and foreign-owned companies that meet the Chinese government’s tax incentives can enjoy various tax benefits in China.

Types of Tax Incentives in China

1. Based on the Type of Tax

Businesses operating in China are obliged to pay taxes that are appropriate for their businesses, among 18 different tax types. The Chinese government offers various incentives to newly established businesses by setting regulations or levels in Corporate Tax (CIT) and Value Added Tax (VAT) rates.

2. Based on the Size of Businesses

CIT rates of small and low-profit businesses in China have been reduced by 50% since 2021. This is further explained in the section entitled “Incentives for Small Taxpayers.”

3. Based on Sectors

Chinese tax incentives mainly target industries, especially high technology companies. For example, substantial tax incentives apply to the integrated circuit (IC) and software industries, including companies producing integrated circuit design, equipment, materials, and quality software.

4. Based on Regions

China’s main policy in tax incentives is industrial investments. However, China offers significant advantages to newly established businesses in underdeveloped regions. The main purpose here is to stimulate the economy and provide employment in these regions.

Tax Incentives for High-Tech Companies

High-tech companies, especially new-tech companies, are vital to building China’s innovative economy. It shows the importance it attaches to technology and R&D with the significant tax reductions (CIT decreased from 25% to 15%) provided to high-tech companies in China.

In the global economic race, where competition has become more challenging recently, China pays special attention to the high-tech industry to increase its competitiveness. One of China’s leading investment incentive policies is tax incentives provided to companies in this industry.

The Chinese tax system has allocated many tax advantages for high-tech enterprises in 2022, such as tax exemption, reductions, and extension of the loss rollover period:

  • Reduced corporate income tax rate of 15% instead of 25%
  • Tax break or exemption for technology transfer income
  • Ten years as the maximum loss-carryover period instead of 5 years
  • 175% deduction of R&D expenses (it was 150% last year)

Beginning in 2021, the Chinese government has relaxed the requirements to qualify for a High Tech New Enterprise. To be eligible for government tax benefits, a high-tech company in China must meet the following criteria:

  • Starting a high-tech company dealing with integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biopharmaceuticals, or basic materials.
  • Generating over RMB 20 million in annual revenue by establishing a manufacturing or research facility.
  • Being a registered company in China and operating for more than one year.
  • Having made at least 50% of the company’s total R&D expenditures in China.

Incentives for Small Taxpayers

The effective CIT percentages applied for small-sized companies in China have been restated as follows after the 2021 Government Working Report. With a tax reduction of approximately 50%, it is planned to reduce the tax burden of small and medium-sized companies, which have suffered significant income losses during the pandemic.

  • Small business profits with revenues of less than RMB 1 million are subject to a CIT rate of 2.5%. (This rate was 5% before)
  • Company profits between 1 – 3 million RMB are subject to a CIT rate of 5%. (This rate was 10% before)

There are also some exemptions and reductions in VAT rates for companies in China:

  • VAT exemption: By the decision of the Ministry of Finance and the State Tax Office, until December 31, 2022, small-scale VAT taxpayers subject to a 3% VAT tax rate will be exempted from VAT payment or prepayment.
  • Discounted VAT rates: The Chinese government exempts small-scale taxpayers in Hubei province from paying VAT. It also reduced VAT for small taxpayers in many provinces.
  • Increased VAT threshold: China has also raised the VAT exemption threshold for small-scale VAT payers to December 31, 2022. The VAT threshold for small taxpayers has been increased to RMB 150,000 (approximately $23,000) per month.

Tax Incentives:

Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Incentives:

  • Standard CIT rate is 25%, but reduced rates available:
    • 15% for qualified new/high-tech enterprises
    • 15% for companies in certain western regions (until Dec 31, 2030)
    • 15% for companies in certain industries in special economic zones
    • 20% for small and low-profit enterprises

Value Added Tax (VAT) Incentives:

  • Small-scale taxpayers eligible for reduced 1% VAT rate (until Dec 31, 2027)
  • VAT exemptions in certain free trade zones and for specific industries

Individual Income Tax (IIT) Incentives:

  • 15% effective IIT rate for foreign high-end talents in certain regions like Greater Bay Area, Hainan Free Trade Port

R&D Incentives:

  • Additional R&D expense deductions
  • Accelerated depreciation for R&D equipment

Regional Incentives:

  • Various tax breaks in special economic zones, western regions, free trade zones

Key Requirements for Company Setup:

  • Choose a business structure – common options are Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE), Joint Venture (JV), or Representative Office (RO)
  • Obtain name approval from the local Administration for Industry and Commerce
  • Secure a registered office address
  • Prepare required documents like a business plan, capital verification report, etc.
  • Apply for a business license and other registrations (tax, customs, etc.)
  • Open a corporate bank account
  • Register for social insurance and housing fund
  • Protect intellectual property by registering trademarks, patents, etc.
  • Minimum registered capital requirements vary by industry and location
  • The entire process typically takes 2-3 months and involves multiple government agencies

The specific incentives and requirements can vary based on location, industry, and business structure. Foreign investors are advised to seek professional assistance to navigate the complex regulatory environment.

Investing in China offers a plethora of opportunities, thanks to its robust tax incentive policies tailored to various sectors and regions. However, navigating the complex regulatory landscape requires expertise and strategic planning. At, we specialize in providing comprehensive legal services to help foreign investors succeed in China. Contact us today to learn how we can support your business endeavors in this dynamic market.