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China’s National Treatment Policy for Foreign-Funded Companies

China’s National Treatment Policy for Foreign-Funded Companies

China’s National Treatment Policy for foreign-funded companies has undergone significant evolution, particularly since China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. This policy is designed to provide foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) with treatment that is equal to that of domestic Chinese companies. Here’s a comprehensive overview of how China implements its National Treatment Policy, the challenges that remain, and the implications for foreign businesses.

1. Core Principles of National Treatment

The principle of national treatment is central to WTO regulations, requiring member states to treat foreign companies on par with domestic ones. As a WTO member, China has committed to this principle and has been progressively working to align its policies with its obligations. National treatment in this context means that FIEs should receive no less favorable treatment than domestic enterprises, particularly in areas such as market access, regulatory environments, and government policies.

2. Legal Framework for National Treatment

Foreign Investment Law (2020)

China’s commitment to national treatment was solidified with the introduction of the Foreign Investment Law (FIL) in 2020. This law provides a clear legal basis for the principle of national treatment and outlines several key aspects:

  • Pre-Establishment National Treatment: Foreign investors are entitled to the same treatment as domestic investors during the investment access stage. This includes equal opportunities in market entry, mergers and acquisitions, and other forms of investment.
  • Equal Application of Support Policies: The FIL mandates that foreign-invested enterprises should benefit from the same government support policies that are available to domestic enterprises. This includes subsidies, tax incentives, and development programs.
  • Participation in Standard-Setting: FIEs are now allowed to participate equally in the formulation of technical and industry standards. This is a significant move toward ensuring that foreign companies can compete fairly in the Chinese market.
  • Government Procurement: The law also ensures that FIEs have equal opportunities to participate in government procurement processes, which were traditionally dominated by domestic firms.

Implementation Regulations

The Implementation Regulations of the Foreign Investment Law provide further clarity and enforcement mechanisms to ensure that the principles of national treatment are upheld:

  • Legal Participation in Government Procurement: These regulations reinforce the rights of FIEs to participate in government procurement on equal terms with domestic companies, helping to level the playing field.
  • Role in Standards Formation: FIEs are granted equal rights in the formation of standards, which is particularly important in sectors where technical standards are critical to market access.
  • Fair Treatment in Supportive Policies: The regulations ensure that FIEs receive fair treatment in the application of supportive government policies, such as financial subsidies and tax reliefs.

3. Areas of Application

Government Procurement

One of the most significant areas where national treatment is applied is government procurement. Historically, this area has favored domestic companies, but China has committed to ensuring that FIEs can participate on an equal footing. This change is crucial for foreign companies seeking to access the large and lucrative Chinese public sector market.

Standard Setting

Another critical area of application is the participation of FIEs in standard-setting activities. In industries where technical standards are essential for market entry and competition, this equal participation ensures that foreign companies are not disadvantaged by standards that favor domestic enterprises.

Access to Subsidies and Incentives

China’s National Treatment Policy also aims to provide FIEs with equal access to government subsidies, tax exemptions, and other incentives. These benefits, which were once more readily available to domestic firms, are now increasingly accessible to foreign enterprises, supporting their growth and development in the Chinese market.

4. Challenges and Limitations

Despite these advances, the implementation of national treatment in China is not without its challenges:

  • Selective Implementation: The application of national treatment can vary, especially at the local government level, where policies may not be uniformly applied.
  • Indigenous Innovation Policies: China’s focus on building domestic innovation sometimes conflicts with the principle of national treatment, leading to preferential treatment for domestic firms in certain sectors.
  • Strategic Industries: In sectors considered strategically important, such as defense or telecommunications, foreign companies may still face restrictions or receive differential treatment compared to their domestic counterparts.
  • Complex Regulatory Environment: China’s regulatory environment can be complex and opaque, potentially leading to unequal treatment of foreign firms due to bureaucratic hurdles or inconsistent policy enforcement.

5. Recent Developments and International Context

China has continued to improve its national treatment policy through recent developments:

  • Foreign Investment Law (2020): The law and its regulations represent a significant step toward ensuring national treatment for FIEs.
  • Reduction of the Negative List: China has been gradually reducing its negative list, which restricts foreign investment in certain sectors, thereby opening more areas of the economy to foreign participation.
  • Focus on Emerging Sectors: There is an increased emphasis on creating a level playing field in emerging sectors like the digital economy and green technologies, which are crucial for the future of global business.

Internationally, China’s National Treatment Policy is a critical issue in its economic relations, particularly with the United States and the European Union. It is often a focal point in trade negotiations and is seen as essential for China’s further integration into the global economy.


China’s National Treatment Policy for foreign-funded companies has made significant strides, particularly with the introduction of the Foreign Investment Law and its accompanying regulations. While challenges remain, the trajectory is toward greater equality between foreign and domestic firms. However, the practical implementation of these policies and their impact on foreign businesses in China continues to be closely monitored by the international business community. offers expert legal and consulting services to help foreign enterprises navigate the complexities of China’s National Treatment Policy. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your business can thrive in China’s evolving regulatory landscape. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your business needs.