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Navigating China’s Foreign Investment Laws in 2024: Key Updates

Navigating China’s Foreign Investment Laws in 2024: Key Updates

China remains a global hub for foreign investment, and the country’s legal landscape continues to evolve, presenting both opportunities and challenges for international businesses. As we enter 2024, several significant updates to China’s foreign investment laws are crucial for companies planning to enter or expand within the Chinese market.

Transition to the New Foreign Investment Law (FIL)

One of the most significant changes is the transition from the previous laws governing foreign investments to the new Foreign Investment Law (FIL), which came into effect in 2020. By the end of 2024, all foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) that were organized under the old laws must convert to a new corporate form under the Company Law or Partnership Law. This transition involves aligning with the provisions of the New Company Law, which introduces stricter capital injection rules and enhanced corporate governance requirements.

Key Changes in the New Company Law

The New Company Law, effective from July 1, 2024, includes several notable changes that foreign investors should be aware of:

  • Increased Fiduciary Duties: The law mandates increased fiduciary duties for directors and senior management, providing better protection for shareholders, especially minority shareholders, who now have additional rights.
  • Strengthened Creditor Rights: Creditor rights have also been bolstered, reflecting China’s efforts to create a more stable and transparent business environment.

Updates to the Negative List for Foreign Investment Access

Alongside these legislative updates, China has also made changes to its Negative List for Foreign Investment Access. The 2024 version, approved by the State Council, further relaxes restrictions on foreign investment in the manufacturing sector and opens up more areas within telecommunications, education, and healthcare services. This move is part of China’s broader strategy to stimulate economic growth and attract foreign direct investment (FDI) amid global economic challenges.

National Treatment for Foreign-Invested Enterprises (FIEs)

In tandem with the updates to the Negative List, China is expected to continue its efforts to afford foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) national treatment, leveling the playing field and improving market access for international businesses. This is in line with China’s commitment to promoting a more open and fair investment environment.

Foreign Investment Security Review (FISR) System

Another crucial development is the ongoing refinement of China’s Foreign Investment Security Review (FISR) System, which was established under the FIL. This system oversees investments in sensitive sectors to safeguard national security while optimizing the foreign investment landscape. Foreign companies must navigate this system carefully, ensuring their investments align with China’s strategic priorities and national security concerns.

Adapting to the Evolving Legal Landscape

To successfully navigate the evolving foreign investment landscape in China, businesses should stay informed about the latest regulatory changes and proactively adapt their strategies. This includes:

  • Conducting thorough due diligence
  • Implementing robust compliance programs
  • Establishing strong relationships with local partners and authorities

How China Legal Solutions Can Help

At China Legal Solutions, our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support to foreign investors. We can help you understand the nuances of the FIL transition, the New Company Law, the Negative List updates, and the FISR system, ensuring your business navigates China’s dynamic legal environment with confidence and success.


As China continues to refine its foreign investment policies, staying agile and adaptable will be crucial for international companies looking to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the world’s second-largest economy. By working closely with experienced legal professionals, foreign investors can confidently enter and thrive in the Chinese market, cementing their position as key players in the global economy.